Product Description
Evo Sportster EST Gasket Kit
- At Cometic Gasket, our goal is to offer the latest in gasket technology
- Materials, manufacturing processes and gasket designs are constantly improving to match the higher level of performance for todays powerful V-Twin engines
- Cometic Gasket Kits for Harley Davidson models include every gasket, seal, washer, and o-ring needed for a complete overhaul
- When purchasing a Cometic gasket kit, you can rest assured that every component will be the best solution for your application
- EST Extreme Sealing Technology kits are available in Complete Motor Kits and Top End Kits
- Harley-Davidson® EST Gasket Kits contain MLS Head Gaskets, Steel Viton coated Base Gaskets, blue Viton Valve Stem Seals and AFM material